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Yazar: admin

For Them Electricity is a Luxury
Just as it goes with the water & food supply globally, electricity is also something that billions of people lack. So, how do we solve this issue for continents like…

Women Rights in Saudi Arabia
When my wife visited this country almost 40 years ago, she’s been telling me about all the human rights violations which I couldn’t believe were real. Unfortunately my volunteering here…

55 Million Americans Need Charity
Yes, you’ve read it right – in the richest country on the face of Earth – the United States of America, 55 million people (which equals to a population of…

AIDS Treatment is Expensive and It Shouldn't Be So!
While this disease is relatively new, we still made a lot of progress in fighting it – though it is obviously not enough yet. This means that while the world…

These 10 Billionaires Ignore Charity Altogether
Some smart philosopher long time ago said, that it is a crime beyond the crimes when rich people don’t give a damn about helping the poor people. Basically, the 10…